Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Is it really only Wednesday?

This has been such a long week and it's only half over. I am so ready for it to be done. Jamie has 2 more shifts and then he is off until January 2nd and I am so thankful for that. I am burning out. Addy is over 10 months old and I honestly can count on one hand how many times I have gotten to have a little break from mommy-hood. And each of those times was only for a couple of hours, and have not occurred since early summer.

Right now Addy is in her crib shrieking like a lunatic because she doesn't want to go to sleep. I don't know why she struggles and fights so much. If someone let me have a nice warm bath, a warm drink and then tucked me into a nice snuggly bed, I would be out like a light. You wouldn't hear a single argument from me. Not her.

I am praying for a good night tonight. The night before last she was up 5 times before morning. Last night, she didn't let me get to sleep until about 1am and that was after I gave up and brought her to my bed. And it is not a restful sleep with her in bed on a good night, but last night she was still up quite frequently so that made it even worse. At about 6am I finally put her back to her bed because she seemed alot better and I needed to get some restful sleep. She slept then until 10am, but I can't even count how many times she was up crying in those 4 hours.

So I am just exhausted and if I don't get a good (or at least decent) night's sleep tonight, I think I might just die. I am trying to be understanding of her because I know she isn't feeling well, but at the same time, she's had her motrin so the tired, crabby part of me is just ticked off that she won't go to sleep.

On a more positive note, we had another doctor's appointment today. Everything looks good and I am going to be going for another ultrasound in 4-6 weeks to make sure we're good to go ahead with the VBAC. My fingers are crossed that it goes well, and that we walk out of there not knowing the sex of the baby. I don't want to find out, and I don't want Jamie to be told and then end up ruining the surprise for me. I love my husband, but he cannot keep a secret.

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