Thursday, May 29, 2008

Not Computer Savvy

Apparently I am not very computer savvy.

I started my last post on Tuesday but only just finished it today (and no, for those of you who are smart-asses, I have not been posting since then...hehehe), and now it is dated for Tuesday.

Or perhaps I was just fore-telling the future??

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Still Kicking

Apparently it has been awhile since I've posted here (as Holly pointed out last weekend), so here I am.

Not too much exciting has been going on around here lately. On the long weekend the 4 of us went up to Jasper and met my mom and cousin there. It was kind of a bust, though. Two babies and all the gear that goes along with two babies made it very difficult to be able to sightsee and do the things we wanted too. Although I did book a "surprise tee time" for Jamie to go golfing at the Jasper Park Lodge and I tagged along with him leaving Mom and Leigh to look after the babies. It was really nice to be able to spend an afternoon together without the girls, although I think I spent most of the time driving the golf cart to catch up to Jamie and fetching clubs. Which I still don't understand. Most of the time it would have been faster for him to get them himself than for us to do our charade of:

"Bring me the 9 iron!"

"Which one is that?"

"The one with the 9 on it!"

"Where would the 9 be? Oh, is it this one?"

"No! The one with the 9 on it!"

"This one?"

"Does it have a 9 on it?"


"Then not that one!"

Anyways, I don't think I will ever have a job as a caddy. hehehe

This past weekend was my neice's birthday and the party was at our house. I remember saying to my sister "If I can handle 2 babies, surely I can handle a pack of 8 and 9 year old girls." HA! lol I suppose it would have been a lot easier if I had been organized. My house was a disaster and Holly's and my "quick trip" into Veg to get the party stuff ended up taking half the day and half of the guests beat us to the house. Thankfully Jamie was home. Jamie who was supposed to clean the house but instead left our 9 year old neice to babysit Addy while he napped all afternoon. Men. *sigh*

So the lack of organization combined with the mess that was my house put my stress level through the roof. But we all still had fun and surprisingly, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Jamie is back to working close to home and he is at the house at some point throughout the day every day, so that is so nice. It's been great for the girls to get to see him. He was missing out on alot with both of them, and although Lexi was still to young to know the difference, Addy was really missing her daddy.

This week I haven't managed to get anything done other than my yardwork. I still need to get my planters and hanging baskets all done up but everything else is done. And I am so happy about it. I had been after Jamie to do it (it seems I'm always after him to do the outside work) and I was sick of having to ask and having to look at it, so I figured seeing as both girls were napping at the same time I would just go out and get it over with. But now I need to find some sort of outdoor toy box for all the play things that go outside because I don't have anywhere to put them. And the tent needs to come down from the party last weekend but that is a 2-man job. It seems the to-do list never ends.

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. We're each getting a "free day" to do whatever we want. So on Saturday my sister and I are going into the city. She's got a couple of stops to make in the morning, and then in the afternoon we're getting pedicures and going to see the Sex and the City movie at silver city in West Ed (or whatever it's called now). Surprisingly, all the times I have been to that mall, I have never been into that theatre.

Then on Sunday Jamie is going golfing and afterwards we're going to have some people over for a BBQ. So that should be fun. The only thing is that gives me a crappy timeline to get the house cleaned. Sunday I want to get my planters done so that means I need to get all the housework done before my day on Saturday.

Okay, well I think I've been boring enough so I'm off to try to get a few more things done before my girlies wake up.