Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yay Me!

Today I had a very productive day. I got my kitchen all cleaned up (it was such a disaster, I am embarrassed to even think about it), got everything unpacked from camping on the weekend, cleaned up all the toys that were scattered from one end of the house to the other, did some laundry and even got my floors washed!

My sister also took Addy and Alexis for me this evening. She wanted to take them for some Auntie/Nieces time and I jumped at the chance to have 2 free hours to myself. Jamie was already gone to work and I spent the whole time doing what I wanted to do. And man did I need it. I got to blast my music, did some reading, had a little workout, took a bath and just relaxed.

And now the heat in this house could very well kill me. It has to be close to 30 degrees in here and it seems no matter how many windows I open, it's not cooling off in here like it is outside. If it doesn't get much better tonight, I'm definitely not going to be sleeping well. All I can say is thank heavens I'm not pregnant!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Another Long Weekend Is Here!

This week has been a really good week with the girls. They have been in good moods, napped well, went to bed well and were cuter than usual, if that's even possible. They slept in and treated their mommy to leisurely mornings and quiet afternoons that they slept away. And still, I managed to get absolutely nothing done around here!

This weekend we were supposed to be getting the house ready to have the realtor come take a look and give us an idea of a selling price, but it looks like that will be pushed to the back burner again. Instead we're going to spend the weekend out at the lake with friends and possibly at another lake with my sister and her hubby. There isn't a whole lot to do around here anyways, that doesn't require a trip to the city to buy supplies, and we aren't going to the city any time soon so I suppose it's no big loss. I'm still in love with the house we looked at in Myrnam, but we're not sure we're ready to make that move. But it has been for sale for quite some time now (things don't seem to move very fast out there), so my fingers are crossed that when we're ready to make a move, it will still be available.

Jamie is off until Tuesday evening when he goes onto nights, so I'm looking forward to having some family time and for the girls to get to spend some time with him. This week he has been long gone by the time they get up for the day, and when he's been getting home, they're already in bed asleep, so I know they are missing their daddy and he is missing them.

Anyways, I have lots to do to get ready for the weekend, and not much time to do it, so I am off. Enjoy your long weekend, everyone!