Friday, May 4, 2007


Isn't it funny how when you become a mom you start to feel guilty for all of the things that you put your mother through? I think about some of the things I said and did when I was younger, and I can't even imagine how heartbroken I would be if Addison were to treat me that way.

And then there are the funnier things. When I was a kid and my mom was sick I still for some absurd reason thought that she should continue on as if life were normal. And now I am a mom and I am sicker than a dog, and I feel sooooooooo rotten for bugging my mom all the time when she was sick. Addy is only a baby and she doesn't bug me, she just requires attention and that is hard enough. I'm surprised my mom didn't tie me to a chair and put duct tape over my mouth when I used to bug her all the time when she was sick. Poor Mommy.

Yesterday wasn't so bad because Jamie was also home sick from work, but today I'm here all alone and I am way worse than I was yesterday. Thankfully it's Friday so he will be around all weekend to help me. And my fingers are crossed that by Monday I will be starting to get better but I just don't know. I thought it was just a cold, but apparently it is sinusitis (says the doctor from yesterday). The doctor today says it's irritating my lungs which is why I have no voice and can't inhale. So I am on antibiotics, a nasal spray and 2 inhalers (which, by the way, could potentially dry up my milk).

I think I may just have to have a pity party.