The girls have been growing like crazy. Addy is now 20 months old. She has a great vocabulary, but only uses it when she feels like it. She understands every word you tell her, but half the time when it's something she doesn't want to hear (such as "Don't do that" or "Put that down") she just looks at you like you're an idiot speaking a different language. She has discovered a new love, as well...The Wiggles! lol She is also going through a phase right now where pretty much the only thing she wants to eat is bananas (known as numnas to her). But there are many, many things that she could be wanting to eat, that I'm not going to complain about something healthy like numnas.
She has officially stopped walking and now runs everywhere. There is no stopping that child. She is into anything and everything and no matter what it is, how heavy it is, how high up it is, or whatever, she is determined to get into it! She doesn't seem to understand the word no in the listening context, but in the speaking context, she has it down pat.
Bedtimes and naptimes have greatly improved. She is now going down fairly easy, and when she doesn't want to sleep she just gets up and plays until she tires herself out and crawls back into bed. Although the other night, rather than playing she decided to color. All over her closet doors, her bed and her sheets. Whoever left those crayons in her room where she could reach them will be in big trouble when I find out their identity!
Potty training is not even in our vocabulary right now. She was doing really well with pooping on the potty, but has since decided that it takes too much time and she just can't fit it into her busy schedule. So when she is ready, I will be there dropping to my knees and thanking God I only have one in diapers!
And speaking of that little one in diapers, my tiny little Lexi-Lou is not so tiny anymore. She is crawling all over the place, although she still isn't sitting up without having to support herself by keeping her hands on the floor. She loves to babble away and make lots of loud, high-pitched noises.
She's taken after her sister in the great sleeper department. We get a solid 10 hours before she wakes up for a bottle and goes back to sleep for another 4 hours. Naps are pretty good too. She was napping for 3-4 hours in the afternoon, but she has started preferring to take 2 naps that are only an hour to an hour and a half long. Still nothing to complain about though! She never did take the soother, she just goes down with her bottle (yes, I know, I'm bad) and sucks on her 2 middle fingers.
She absolutely loves to be in her jolly jumper. As soon as you start to put her in it those little legs start kicking and make it quite difficult! lol She will just jump and jump and jump in that thing. I think the only thing she might like more than it is crawling around.
At this stage with Addy, her sleep habits had kinda gone to hell, and she was either sleeping in bed with me or having to be put to sleep in the swing and then moved to her crib. Lexi won't even lay still in my bed, and she isn't too crazy about the swing, whether for sleeping or distracting her so I can get stuff done.
The 2 girls absolutely adore each other, but even at this age they are already fighting. A little sibling rivalry is to be expected, though, especially when they are both so young and don't understand the concept of sharing, or quite get that pulling hair and pinching hurts like a mother. lol
It's sweet to see them interact when they're getting along. They love to hug each other and give kisses and their faces light up when they see each other. I'm sure that they will be great friends throughout their childhoods and when they are adults.
1 comment:
Addy looks like such a mischief maker in that second photo! The girls are so sweet...I don't know how you get through every day without smooshing the stuffing out of them!
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