I had a little moment of panic before I discovered where she was hiding. At that point I burst out laughing, which apparently made her feel a little better about her perch because the whining stopped.
I managed to squeeze her out (it is an unusually small opening), but 2 minutes later she had crawled back in. How in the world she could manage to squeeze through the opening, climb up onto the top shelf and get turned around and sitting, I do not know. She is mind boggling sometimes.
She also got stuck trying to get behind the swing to play with the wood stove tools that she knows she's not allowed to touch. Nothing like getting busted disobeying, eh?
And here I thought the girls were having a nice sisterly love moment, but upon closer inspection of the picture I realized that Addy was pinching Lexi. Poor baby.
Yesterday we also had a little lesson on getting down the stairs. She has no problem going up the 2 steps from the living room, but she always needs help getting down. So I taught her how to get on hr tummy and go down backwards. She caught on quick and was up and down them all day. After her nap she was playing in her room and I was sitting on the couch nursing Lexi (notice a pattern here? She always gets into trouble when I'm busy with Lexi) and she came out. She was standing at the top of the 2 steps holding onto the railing and waving one foot out at the top of the stair. I wasn't too concerned because if you are holding her hands to get her to go down, she will do this but she will not step down them. Only this time she did. Somehow I managed to get from the couch and to her and catch her in midfall. And Lexi didn't even lose her latch. lol
And after all that, what better way to wind down than by sitting down with a sippy cup of apple juice and watching Cinderella?
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