Another week has come and gone, and we're back to the weekend. I sat down a couple of times this week to write in my blog but I just couldn't think of anything to say. It was a pretty uneventful week here.
We tried the potty training thing again with Addy. I was happy leaving things alone for awhile (although I am so tired of changing diapers I could cry). But Sunday night Addy made the "poop face" and Jamie asked her if she needed to go potty and she went straight to the bathroom. So I thought maybe she was ready. Monday morning came, I put her on the potty right away. You could tell she was trying but nothing came, so I put her in a pair of panties and off we went with our day. We tried a couple times between then and lunch (she had slept in so there wasn't much time there) and nothing. During lunch she was sitting in her high chair and got a strange look on her face, so I asked her if she needed to go and she gave me her yes "noise" but by the time she was out of the chair she had wet herself. And boy did that upset her. And after that she didn't even want to try anymore. I'd say 'potty' and she'd throw a tantrum. So that was the end of that.
Lexi had her shots last Friday and that went well. She cried a bit, but I managed not to. She is now weighing in at 13 pounds, 12.5 ounces and is just under 25 inches long. She seems chubbier to me than Addy did, but I checked Addy's book and she was actually bigger at her 4-month shots (14 pounds 6 and 3/4 ounces and 25 inches long). So I must not be remembering very well.
Anyways, at that appointment the health nurse also told me they changed the recommended age to start introducing solids. It was 4 months when I had Addy, but now it's 6 months. But I had already started Lexi on rice cereal at that point. So I'm still debating whether I will continue or not, but since then she hasn't gotten it.
This week has actually been really crappy weather-wise. Overcast every day (although I believe Wednesday morning was nice, but it went to the crapper by lunch time) and at the very least rain, although I think we had a thunderstom every day too. But so far, today is nice. Hopefully it stays that way. Savannah and Alicia are spending the night here tonight and I thought it'd be fun to have a campfire. And I'm dying to get outside and get some fresh air (and get my kids out...You can tell Addy has been cooped up too long), so hopefully the weather cooperates.
This weekend should be a busy one too (although aren't they all?). Tomorrow is the community garage sale, so I will definitely be doing alot of garage-saling. The rib cook-off happens tomorrow too, so that saves me having to make a meal but it's definitely not a time-saver. Tomorrow night is Irene's bridal shower, which Martina, Lexi and I are going to. And then Sunday we're off to the city to buy Jamie his Father's Day BBQ, do his tux fitting for Kim and Ryan's wedding and hopefully be back in time to get to the beach with Holly and the girls, assuming it's nice.
I'm tired just thinking about it all.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
My Lucky Girls and Their Wonderful Daddy
This Father's Day has really gotten me thinking about how lucky my kids really are. I always thought I had a great dad when I was growing up, but when push came to shove, he made it very obvious his children are not a priority to him.
When I was first pregnant with Addy I wasn't too sure how Jamie would do. But he surprised me and he really grew up and stepped up to the plate when she was born. And all through my pregnancy with Lexi when I was unsure of everything and had no idea how things could possibly work out, he was there to remind me how wonderful she would be and to not worry about things.
He may put up a fight about changing dirty diapers, and he may not help with the laundry, and Lord knows he is completely oblivious to the housework that I need help with, but my 2 little girls have the most wonderful Daddy they could possibly ask for.
He loves them and spoils them. There is always room in his lap for a little lady and I quite often find him hiding out in one of their rooms playing with them. I know in the years to come he will endure more tea parties than either one of us can imagine, have more pretties in his hair than he could care to count, and he will probably end up made up more than once too, but I know there will be no complaints out of him.
Sometimes I think he could use a lesson or two in compassion, but he always puts their needs first. His baby girls are his top priority and he doesn't try to hide it. We were barely home from the hospital with Lexi and he was asking me when we could have another baby.
Addison and Alexis are very lucky to have such a wonderful Daddy, and I know they will never have to endure the emotional pain my father has put my siblings and me through. And that is a good feeling.
Even though it was yesterday, Happy Father's Day to a wonderful father and husband! I hope you enjoyed your day about you, when you make every other day about your kids!

When I was first pregnant with Addy I wasn't too sure how Jamie would do. But he surprised me and he really grew up and stepped up to the plate when she was born. And all through my pregnancy with Lexi when I was unsure of everything and had no idea how things could possibly work out, he was there to remind me how wonderful she would be and to not worry about things.
He may put up a fight about changing dirty diapers, and he may not help with the laundry, and Lord knows he is completely oblivious to the housework that I need help with, but my 2 little girls have the most wonderful Daddy they could possibly ask for.
He loves them and spoils them. There is always room in his lap for a little lady and I quite often find him hiding out in one of their rooms playing with them. I know in the years to come he will endure more tea parties than either one of us can imagine, have more pretties in his hair than he could care to count, and he will probably end up made up more than once too, but I know there will be no complaints out of him.
Sometimes I think he could use a lesson or two in compassion, but he always puts their needs first. His baby girls are his top priority and he doesn't try to hide it. We were barely home from the hospital with Lexi and he was asking me when we could have another baby.
Addison and Alexis are very lucky to have such a wonderful Daddy, and I know they will never have to endure the emotional pain my father has put my siblings and me through. And that is a good feeling.
Even though it was yesterday, Happy Father's Day to a wonderful father and husband! I hope you enjoyed your day about you, when you make every other day about your kids!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Mondays Suck
Today was a rainy day and I spend most of it in bed being lazy. Jamie is on nights this week so he was my enabler. He watched Addy for most of the day and Lexi either slept or laid in bed with me and nursed.
Usually I like rainy days but today I didn't. The weather just made be feel mopey and exhausted. And now Jamie is working and my pity party is continuing. I've been trying to get Addy to sleep for about 2 hours now with no luck. And all I want to do is go to bed so I can sleep and not feel so tired tomorrow.
This weekend really did me in. Since 2 Saturdays ago, Holly and I had been into the city 4 times including this weekend. And yesterday I didn't seem to get anything done but it still somehow was a busy day.
My house is still a disaster and I'm beginning to think it will look that way until my kids have moved out in a couple of decades from now. And even then it might still look like a disaster because I'll probably need another few years to catch up on my lost sleep.
I'm also still behind on my laundry. But I am coming to terms with the fact that that's never going to change.
Well, Addy is still in her room, wide awake, crying her head off and now my boobs are leaking like the Hoover Dam, so I guess it's about time to cut this short.
Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day.
Usually I like rainy days but today I didn't. The weather just made be feel mopey and exhausted. And now Jamie is working and my pity party is continuing. I've been trying to get Addy to sleep for about 2 hours now with no luck. And all I want to do is go to bed so I can sleep and not feel so tired tomorrow.
This weekend really did me in. Since 2 Saturdays ago, Holly and I had been into the city 4 times including this weekend. And yesterday I didn't seem to get anything done but it still somehow was a busy day.
My house is still a disaster and I'm beginning to think it will look that way until my kids have moved out in a couple of decades from now. And even then it might still look like a disaster because I'll probably need another few years to catch up on my lost sleep.
I'm also still behind on my laundry. But I am coming to terms with the fact that that's never going to change.
Well, Addy is still in her room, wide awake, crying her head off and now my boobs are leaking like the Hoover Dam, so I guess it's about time to cut this short.
Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
My Girls
Thought I should post a little update about the girls, seeing as it's been awhile since I have. Plus I like to talk about them. lol
Addison seems to have entered The Terrible Two's a few months early. She has become very stubborn and the temper tantrums are happening more and more often. She has also begun to really climb things. I am forever catching her on the little table in her bedroom, up on the back of the loveseat sitting facing the window checking stuff out and on the kitchen chairs, which are really only on the way to getting onto the table where I most often find her. When we first brought up the patio furniture, we had put the baby gate up on the deck and Jamie and I were outside playing with her. Lexi woke up to be fed so I went to get her and Jamie went to get us some drinks and before he even had them poured Addy was on top of the patio table.
But even if she is very defiant and has that famous Davidsen Temper, she is still a wonderfully loveable little girl. She likes to give hugs and kisses, and she loves her baby sister more than anyone. She is forever getting up close to her face to look at her and talk to her and she loves to snuggle her and shower her with kisses. She will even try to pick her up of of your lap if you are holding her, or take her out of her bouncy seat. And the scary thing is she can pick her up no problem, so unfortunately for Lexi she doesn't get to chill out on a blanket on the floor.
You can definitely tell that Addy is transitioning from a baby to a toddler when you look at her eating habits. Before she would eat anything and everything and lots of it. Now she is becoming a little bit more picky and will take things out of her mouth that she doesn't like and chuck them across the room. Also, some days she will eat like crazy, but the next day she will hardly touch anything.
She's still on the formula and gets a bottle when she goes down for her nap and at bedtime. I have been debating trying milk again, but I think this time we will try soy milk and see how that goes.
I am anxious to start potty training, although I know it's still too early. We have the little potty in the bathroom and every so often I will sit her on it (still clothed, though) just so she can get used to it. I am just so tired of changing diapers, so I blame that on my anxiousness.
Addy is also learning new words all the time. Unfortunately her grandma taught her Shit when we were in Jasper and now it's not unusual for me to hear "Oh shit!" come out of her mouth. I find that so frustrating and it upsets me to the point that I really think I could cry because I try to be so careful and I was always worried other people's language would result in this. She also has learnt Stick, but that seems to come out as Dick and unfortunately some people don't feel the need to correct her and ennunciate when they speak. Some of the words that don't tick me off that she has now added to her vocabulary are Duck (and any bird is a duck), Daddy (which she says clear as a bell and when I coax her to say Mommy, this is what she comes back with), Hot and Ow.
She has made the adjustment to her toddler bed amazingly well and is back to sleeping through the night I would say about 95% of the time. She is going down well for her naps and I have noticed a real decrease in her making herself throw up (praise the gods!).
Alexis seems to be a completely different baby and sometimes I can barely believe my eyes and ears. She has completely outgrown the colic and is a happy, smiley baby. She was laughing the other day, but I think that is going to be like what her smiling was like. When she first started smiling she was soooooo hard to get to smile, and that seems to be where the laughing is headed. But now she is smiley all the time so hopefully in a few weeks we will get to hear that amazing little giggle on a regular basis. I said to my sister a couple of weeks back that there is nothing more amazing than looking down at your baby when he/she is breastfeeding and having them smile at you, but I think hearing that laugh for the first time might just be right up there with that.
Lexi is definitely on the road to sleeping through the night. I was getting a good 6 hours out for her usually, which is really nothing to complain about. But since I have started trying to get her out of our bed at night and into the bassinet, those stretches have seemed to decrease, but I guess that is to be expected. Soon enough she will be sleeping through the night, though, and she'll be out of the bassinet and into her room, so for now I think I will just cherish these nights where I get to snuggle with her in bed, even if I do get woken up more often than I would like.
This morning we gave the rice cereal another shot. I think this is about the 3rd or 4th time we have tried. Addy started at 4 weeks (no, that's not a type-o, and boy was she ready for it!) so I have tried Lexi a few times since about that age, but she just wasn't ready for it yet. But today she was. Those little arms and legs were flailing and kicking like crazy, and her mouth was open like a little bird waiting for the food in between bites. And when the bite would come, she would slurp it off the spoon like there was no tomorrow! With it taking her so long to be that way, I really find it amazing that Addy did those things at a fraction of Lexi's age.
Lexi has also started rolling over from her tummy to her back. I thought to myself one day that she should be getting close the being able to do it, so I put her on her tummy and she rolled almost immediately.
She's still breastfeeding like crazy, but she is also getting better with the supplementing. I have to hand it to those moms who breastfeed without the occasional supplementing. I sure couldn't do it. Some days by the time the evening rolls around, I just feel so "touched out" that I have to ask Jamie to give her a bottle. And actually, last weekend my sister and I spend an entire day in the city doing some shopping, getting pedicures, saw a movie and just had a girl's day, so Lexi didn't get to breastfeed from about 6:30am until about 9:00pm and she did amazingly well. I, on the other hand, was very full and tender and that was after "taking care of it" twice in the last 5 hours.
Well, Jamie is home from work now, so I guess it's time I go find us some supper.
Addison seems to have entered The Terrible Two's a few months early. She has become very stubborn and the temper tantrums are happening more and more often. She has also begun to really climb things. I am forever catching her on the little table in her bedroom, up on the back of the loveseat sitting facing the window checking stuff out and on the kitchen chairs, which are really only on the way to getting onto the table where I most often find her. When we first brought up the patio furniture, we had put the baby gate up on the deck and Jamie and I were outside playing with her. Lexi woke up to be fed so I went to get her and Jamie went to get us some drinks and before he even had them poured Addy was on top of the patio table.
But even if she is very defiant and has that famous Davidsen Temper, she is still a wonderfully loveable little girl. She likes to give hugs and kisses, and she loves her baby sister more than anyone. She is forever getting up close to her face to look at her and talk to her and she loves to snuggle her and shower her with kisses. She will even try to pick her up of of your lap if you are holding her, or take her out of her bouncy seat. And the scary thing is she can pick her up no problem, so unfortunately for Lexi she doesn't get to chill out on a blanket on the floor.
You can definitely tell that Addy is transitioning from a baby to a toddler when you look at her eating habits. Before she would eat anything and everything and lots of it. Now she is becoming a little bit more picky and will take things out of her mouth that she doesn't like and chuck them across the room. Also, some days she will eat like crazy, but the next day she will hardly touch anything.
She's still on the formula and gets a bottle when she goes down for her nap and at bedtime. I have been debating trying milk again, but I think this time we will try soy milk and see how that goes.
I am anxious to start potty training, although I know it's still too early. We have the little potty in the bathroom and every so often I will sit her on it (still clothed, though) just so she can get used to it. I am just so tired of changing diapers, so I blame that on my anxiousness.
Addy is also learning new words all the time. Unfortunately her grandma taught her Shit when we were in Jasper and now it's not unusual for me to hear "Oh shit!" come out of her mouth. I find that so frustrating and it upsets me to the point that I really think I could cry because I try to be so careful and I was always worried other people's language would result in this. She also has learnt Stick, but that seems to come out as Dick and unfortunately some people don't feel the need to correct her and ennunciate when they speak. Some of the words that don't tick me off that she has now added to her vocabulary are Duck (and any bird is a duck), Daddy (which she says clear as a bell and when I coax her to say Mommy, this is what she comes back with), Hot and Ow.
She has made the adjustment to her toddler bed amazingly well and is back to sleeping through the night I would say about 95% of the time. She is going down well for her naps and I have noticed a real decrease in her making herself throw up (praise the gods!).
Alexis seems to be a completely different baby and sometimes I can barely believe my eyes and ears. She has completely outgrown the colic and is a happy, smiley baby. She was laughing the other day, but I think that is going to be like what her smiling was like. When she first started smiling she was soooooo hard to get to smile, and that seems to be where the laughing is headed. But now she is smiley all the time so hopefully in a few weeks we will get to hear that amazing little giggle on a regular basis. I said to my sister a couple of weeks back that there is nothing more amazing than looking down at your baby when he/she is breastfeeding and having them smile at you, but I think hearing that laugh for the first time might just be right up there with that.
Lexi is definitely on the road to sleeping through the night. I was getting a good 6 hours out for her usually, which is really nothing to complain about. But since I have started trying to get her out of our bed at night and into the bassinet, those stretches have seemed to decrease, but I guess that is to be expected. Soon enough she will be sleeping through the night, though, and she'll be out of the bassinet and into her room, so for now I think I will just cherish these nights where I get to snuggle with her in bed, even if I do get woken up more often than I would like.
This morning we gave the rice cereal another shot. I think this is about the 3rd or 4th time we have tried. Addy started at 4 weeks (no, that's not a type-o, and boy was she ready for it!) so I have tried Lexi a few times since about that age, but she just wasn't ready for it yet. But today she was. Those little arms and legs were flailing and kicking like crazy, and her mouth was open like a little bird waiting for the food in between bites. And when the bite would come, she would slurp it off the spoon like there was no tomorrow! With it taking her so long to be that way, I really find it amazing that Addy did those things at a fraction of Lexi's age.
Lexi has also started rolling over from her tummy to her back. I thought to myself one day that she should be getting close the being able to do it, so I put her on her tummy and she rolled almost immediately.
She's still breastfeeding like crazy, but she is also getting better with the supplementing. I have to hand it to those moms who breastfeed without the occasional supplementing. I sure couldn't do it. Some days by the time the evening rolls around, I just feel so "touched out" that I have to ask Jamie to give her a bottle. And actually, last weekend my sister and I spend an entire day in the city doing some shopping, getting pedicures, saw a movie and just had a girl's day, so Lexi didn't get to breastfeed from about 6:30am until about 9:00pm and she did amazingly well. I, on the other hand, was very full and tender and that was after "taking care of it" twice in the last 5 hours.
Well, Jamie is home from work now, so I guess it's time I go find us some supper.
Monday, June 2, 2008
6 Things.
I have been tagged by Erin. The topic is to share six unimportant things about myself and then to tag six other people to do the same thing. Here are the rules: 1. Link back to the person who tagged you. 2. Post these rules on your blog. 3. Share six unimportant things about yourself. 4. Tag six random people at the end of your entry.
#1. I hate popcorn...Even the smell makes me nauseaus but every once in awhile I get a huge craving for it.
#2. I'm actually not a big fan of driving. I would much rather have someone chaffeur me around.
#3. I hate to cook, but I love to bake.
#4. I can type over 100 words per minute and I never have the right fingers on the right keys.
#5. I have a horrible temper. It takes me a long time to lose it, but when I do, I lose it big time.
#6. I love shoes. And the higher the heel the better. I have a large collection, but nowhere to wear them.
Well, I'm supposed to tag 6 people now, but I think everyone whose blog I read has already posted this. But in case I'm wrong and I've missed someone, I tag you!
#1. I hate popcorn...Even the smell makes me nauseaus but every once in awhile I get a huge craving for it.
#2. I'm actually not a big fan of driving. I would much rather have someone chaffeur me around.
#3. I hate to cook, but I love to bake.
#4. I can type over 100 words per minute and I never have the right fingers on the right keys.
#5. I have a horrible temper. It takes me a long time to lose it, but when I do, I lose it big time.
#6. I love shoes. And the higher the heel the better. I have a large collection, but nowhere to wear them.
Well, I'm supposed to tag 6 people now, but I think everyone whose blog I read has already posted this. But in case I'm wrong and I've missed someone, I tag you!
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